

Sebenarnya tak tahu dah nak update apa lagi kat blogspot ni..idea dah tak ada..otak dah blank dan mula berkarat sbb terlampau tido dan dah lama tak baca buku...

Oleh itu saja nak buat entry tuk mengucapkan tq byk2 to my mama and not forgetting my papa for buying me a new laptop and wanting to bring me to a holiday trip this weekend..i will cherish this laptop forever atau sehingga di pasaran dah mengeluarkan laptop yg lagi super duper bgs ahaha dan Bill Gates mempromosikan windows 7 dia..

But that is not this entry is all about..
Ada segelintir kawan2 aku selalu tanya aku..

"Ekh bob aku tgk kau selalu dpt apa yg kau nak drp mak kau..tapi asal kau tak bg dia hadiah time Mother's Day..aku tgk kau tak sambut pon"

Owh mmg aku tak sambut pon..tapi itu tak bermakna aku tak sayang mama aku atau aku ni jenis anak yg tak pandai menghargai ibu seperti kacang lupakan kulit..

Persoalannya sekarang..Mother's Day tu apa? Kalau korang kata Mother's Day tu Hari Ibulah takkan Hari Punjabi..pang tu aku pon tahu...sejarah hari ibu korang tahu tak(bg yg sambut Hari Ibulah)...Habislah aku dah mula merepek ke subjek sejarah lak cam guru sejarah aku,Pn Ratna di sekolah menengah aku dulu..baik murid2 bukak windows explorer/mozilla dan isikan "Mother's Day History" di search enjin..dan klik...

The history of Mother's Day is centuries old and goes back to the times of ancient Greeks, who held festivities to honor Rhea, the mother of the gods. The early Christians celebrated the Mother's festival on the fourth Sunday of Lent to honor Mary, the mother of Christ. Interestingly, later on a religious order stretched the holiday to include all mothers, and named it as the Mothering Sunday. The English colonists settled in America discontinued the tradition of Mothering Sunday because of lack of time. In 1872 Julia Ward Howe organized a day for mothers dedicated to peace. It is a landmark in the history of Mother's Day.

Oleh itu saya harap semua yg selalu tanya saya soalan ini dah sedia maklum yg hari ibu ini berasal dari Barat (Kafir). Sejarah, asal usul dan latarbelakang perayaan ini jelas menunjukkan ia tidak sejalan malah bertentangan dengan agama Islam kerana wujudnya perkara2 yg membawa kepada syirik.(mesti ada sesetgh org dah mula ckp dlm hati..pergh bapak poyo dow kat aku sbb dah mula masuk bab agama dah)..ehem2 tak dinafikan aku ni kadang2 jahil gak dlm bab2 agama ni...tapi kalau tak nak percaya ckp aku percayalah ckp ni "Barang sesiapa yang menyerupai sesuatu kaum, maka dia termasuk dari kaum tersebut". – Hadith Riwayat Abu Daud...jadi bg aku hari2 ialah hari ibu yey..happy mother's mama for today..tomorrow abg wish lagi korang yg suka sambut hari ibu dan tak leh kalau tak sambut..aku nasihatkan korang kalau camtu buatlah gempak2 time sambutan birthday mama korang coz tu takpe..bgs tu...sambutlah hari itu lagi bgs drp hari ibu yg biasa korang sambut kerana untuk menunjukkan tanda kesyukuran pd hari itu tuhan telah menciptakan seseorang yg amat bermakna dlm hidup korang untuk

American Idol



Honestly i didn't watch or care anything to do about American Idol this season because i was still at my university when it started but it sure caught my attention when there have been rumors spreading like wildfire that Adam Lambert should have won AI 2009 and not Kris Allen..the rumors was so big till they asked FOX and American Idol to reveal the voting count result,never before this have happen in American Idol.So I decided to watch some of their performance, first watched Adam Lampert singing Michael Jackson song "black and white" then "mad world" and "no boundaries"and i felt.."Wow Adam Lampert performance is great " Well from my point of view, i should say yeah adam lambert should have won. But then I started watching Kris Allen performance, his performance was great also but sometimes when he performs with his guitar or piano this shows that he has a musician skill which I thought made him won the crowd heart. Nevertheless , Adam Lambert seem to have the WOW factor if you ask me. But then i ask myself why didn't he won..started to search for the reason and there is a rumor saying that he is gay..U can even find pictures of him kissing a guy. Just google his name..but for me that was not a reason for his defeat..common now, this is a singing contest not a sexuality contest. I think the main cause of his defeat is some of his own stupid dumb fuck fans. Yeah. Why do u ask me? Because when I was wacthing some of his recorded performance on American Idol website , there were also many comments on the videos. So I can't help myself but to scroll down on each comment and shockingly I found that most of his fans there that comment said that Adam Lampert is the will always rock my heart..Kris Allen sucks..You will always be my AI eventhough I didn't vote you..WTF?!! So many of you stupid American expect him to win the American but did not vote. No wonder many people said that American's are stupid. There u have it. I could have understand if u stayed in Malaysia and u are Adam Lampert biggest fan but didn't vote..that because u can't..but if you lived in the U.S and said that Adam Lampert should have won but u didn't vote..u should SHUT THE FUCK UP! or just jump off a bridge and kill yourself because u are not worthy to call yourself an Adam Lampert fan and busying commenting and talking bad things about Kris Allen for winning American Idol.Thanks to fan like YOU Adam Lampert didn't won and u are the one that should be blamed and not Kris Allen..

From the New York Times

May 27, 2009

AT&T May Have Swayed ‘Idol’ Results

LOS ANGELES — AT&T, one of the biggest corporate sponsors of “American Idol,” might have influenced the outcome of this year’s competition by providing phones for free text-messaging services and lessons in casting blocks of votes at parties organized by fans of Kris Allen, the Arkansas singer who was the winner of the show last week.

Representatives of AT&T, whose mobile phone network is the only one that can be used to cast “American Idol” votes via text message, provided the free text-messaging services at two parties in Arkansas after the final performance episode of “American Idol” last week, according to the company and people at the events.

There appear to have been no similar efforts to provide free texting services to supporters of Adam Lambert, who finished as the runner-up to Mr. Allen.

Since then, angry supporters of Mr. Lambert have flooded online chat boards with messages claiming irregularities in the competition’s voting.

Officials of Fox Broadcasting declined to discuss the situation. In a statement issued Tuesday, a spokesman for AT&T said, “In Arkansas, we were invited to attend the local watch parties organized by the community. A few local employees brought a small number of demo phones with them and provided texting tutorials to those who were interested.”

Details of the voting support were first reported last week in an article in The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

Representatives of AT&T helped fans of Mr. Allen at the two Arkansas events by providing instructions on how to send 10 or more text messages at the press of a single button, known as power texts. Power texts have an exponentially greater effect on voting than do single text messages or calls to the show’s toll-free phone lines. The efforts appear to run afoul of “American Idol” voting rules in two ways. The show broadcasts an on-screen statement at the end of each episode warning that blocks of votes cast using “technical enhancements” that unfairly influence the outcome of voting can be thrown out.

And the show regularly states that text voting is open only to AT&T subscribers and is subject to normal rates.

Finally finish


Disebabkan tiada aktiviti yg menarik berlaku yg ingin aku tulis hari ni pada semua(cam la ada org baca je)..saya ingin berkongsi kejayaan atau pencapaian terbaru yg baru dicapai..akhirnya setelah 2 hari non stop usaha gigih dan unyielding determination dengan slogan usaha escalator kejayaan akhirnya dpt juga aku mengkhatamkan 50 episode digimon adventure season 2..pergh bukan senang nak buat ni..buntut berasap,mata merah, ketegangan otak terasa di dpn laptop menghabiskan satu demi satu episode..tapi akhirnya berjaya jugak..dush..walaupun cite ni bg org nampak bodo tapi disbbkan tak ada benda lain dah nak tgk dan ingin mengembalikan kenangan2 manis semasa menonton cite2 fav time kecik dulu..akhirnya ku telah menerima tugasan yg agak sukar ni untuk menghbskan semua 50 episode dlm masa yg singkat..cuba la kalau sapa bleh habiskan kurang dari 2 hari..aku konklusinya mesej yg cuba disampaikan..segalanya boleh dicapai jika kita berusaha..nothing impossible..dan sebenarnya anda telah mensia-siakan seminit dari masa precious anda untuk membaca entry yg saya rasa lame ahaha..renung2kan dan selamat beramal



Sebenarnya tak tahu pon nak update blog dengan apa..clueless..tapi still rasa cam nak tulis something di pagi2 subuh ni..ingat nak buat cam diari luahkan je semua perasaan kat entry ni..tapi ni blog dan bukannya sebuah diari yg kita boleh tulis semua yg kita rasa dan tak ada sapa dpt baca..they are differences between a diary and a blog...but that is not what this entry is about..

Cuti dah mula rasa bosan bosan dan semakin bosan each day..
Tapi bler fikir balik kalau merungut..
Jadi org yg tak bersyukur lak..time assignment belambak dan tgh final hari tu bising nak cuti lak...
tapi bler dah dpt bising tak puas hati..
rasanya tu kot sebenarnya perangai manusia..
ada je benda tak puas hati dan ingin merungut..
ataupon perangai aku sorang je...
Pelik kadang2 aku tgk org suka merempit2 dkt ngan kws umah aku..pg2 sgt ke merempit ni?
tak cam kalau lu jatuh dari moto dan kepala tersangkut kat tayar lori..ending kau dlm dunia ni camtu je..

Cuti ni ingat nak buat byk benda tapi tak tahu apa...
dah sbb kwn2 asyik kata umur muda nak hbs dah jadi baik enjoy cepat2..
tapi nak enjoy apanya aku fikir..
g clubbing? g party buih ? minum arak ramai2 time muda ni?
adakah itu dikatakan enjoy..
tahla bg aku cam tak je..mmg tak dinafikan g tgk perempuan cantik tu seronok
tapi bler fikir balik..suka lak aku kalau ada laki2 lain usha adik perempuan akulak cam aku usha kakak or adik perempuan org lain...
bler mama suruh skrang masanya nak merancang masa dpn..
aku masih lost lagi memikirkan apa yg sebenarnya aku nak buat time nak kerja nanti..
adakah aku nak jadi businessman?
tapi kalau jadi businessman..nak buat business apa?
btol ke nak jadi businessman?
argh byk benda yg aku patut dah tahu dlm hidup ni aku masih tak fikirkan lagi..
bg aku otak aku ni still cam kanak2 lagi..masih ingin berseronok..
masih ingin bebas dari tanggungjwb dan masih ingin di tampung oleh family aku...

Jeles aku tgk ada antara kwn2 aku dah kerja..dah leh support diri sendiri.. aku diorg dah setapak ke dpn dari aku...
aku masih malas nak berdikari lagi dan tak malu duduk umah saja membesarkan bdn yg besar ni...
tapi apa nak buat..dah perangai aku camni...
aku nak merungut byk lagi tapi rasa tak sesuai lak merungut dlm blog ni..
kalau ada org baca kang diorg fikir apala nanti ttg aku..tu pon kalau ada org bacalah...
spt yg aku ckp ni bukannya diari..yg kita leh ckp semua rahsia2 tersorok kita...

apa2 pon skrang..aku teringat cam iklan petronas tu jela...yg ada pasal pak cik pakai kaki palsu tu selalu ckp.."Ingat kalau nak jalan..mesti ke depan"..jadi aku akn selalu ke hadapan dan kadang2 jela stop kat pit stop dan toleh ke belakang jap tuk tgk jauh mana dah aku dah jalan.. apa nak jadi kat aku lagi 10 tahun, 20 tahun ke tak pon lagi 30 tahun akn dtg biarlah aku hadapi semuanya ngan tabah dan yg plg penting tak ada rasa kekesalan..kerana aku teringin suatu hari nanti bler dah tua2 dah nazak dah nak mati..aku tgh ats katil...sebelum aku menghembuskan nafas terakhir aku..aku sempat buat flashback kat hidup aku selama ini dari kecik sampailah ke tua...dan aku dengan tanpa segan silunya leh mati dengan senyuman di muka aku kerana rasa telah hidup selama ini dengan rasa seronok skali dan no regrets..

I screwed up 70% of my teenage life...


(Tick 'x' if you've EVER DONE the things below)
Total 40 questions. Count how many "[x]" u got and then divide by 40 and times a 100.

[ ] Gotten detention.
[ ] Gotten your phone taken away in class.
[ ] Gotten suspended.
[x] Gotten caught chewing gum.
[x] Gotten caught cheating on a test.

Total: 2/5

[x] Arrived late to class more than 5 times.
[x] Didn’t do homework over 5 times.
[x] Turned at least 3 projects in late
[x] Missed school cause you felt like it.
[x] Totally did not finish projects that the marks will contribute to your test/exam.

Total : 5/5

[ ] Got your mom/dad etc. to get you out of school.
[x] Texted people during class.
[x] Passed notes.
[x] Laughed at the teacher.
[x] Asked a teacher some kind of freaking hilarious question (but not straight to the point) that's got something to do with her.

Total : 4/5

[ ] Pulled down the fire alarm.
[x] Went on myspace, facebook, xanga, etc. on the computer at school.
[x] Took pictures during school hours.
[x] Listened to an iPod, CD, etc. during class.
[ ] Throw eggs/flour/water balloons at the school walls or compound.

Total : 3/5

[] Threw something at the teacher.
[x] Went outside the classroom without permission.
[x] Broke the dress code.
[x] Failed a subject.
[x] Ate food during class.

Total : 4/5

[ ] Gotten a call from school.
[ ] Couldn’t go on a field trip cause you behaved badly.
[x] Scolded/Talk back a prefect.
[x] Danced around in class when teacher was busy teaching in front.
[x] Stuck up your middle finger at a teacher when they were not looking.

Total : 3/5

[] Faked your parents signature
[x] Slept in class.
[ ] Cursed at a teacher to their face.
[x] Copied friend's homework.
[ ] Didn't turn up when got a call from the school's office

Total : 2/5

[x] Cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear.
[x] Skips class whenever it gets bored
[ ] Got your face on the most 'wanted' poster among the prefects.
[ ] Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class.
[x]Threw stuff across the room.

Total : 3/5

[x] Gotten caught in a making of a prank.
[ ] Gotten busted with a girl/guy together in school.
[ ] Called someone during school hours for fun cause u felt bored.
[ ] Wrote your name on the school's wall/property
[x] Broke the school's table/chairs/bench/flower pot etc.

Total: 2/5

All total: 28/40 X 100

= 70%

Then repost this as "I screwed up __% of my teenage life"

I screwed up 70% of my teenage life...dpt B+ tu ahaha

Holiday yeah :)


I'll never forget this moments
May 13, 2009 until May 16, 2009.

This all started when Adam the leader of PM MMS Nov 2008 told all his PM friends that he decided to organized a holiday for all of us together..and the most important thing he told us is..IT'S FREE..and i was like OMFG??! HELL YEAH I WANT TO GO..PUT MY NAME ON THE LIST FIRST! the date and trip was set, all the plans have been well organized...and everyone just waited and waited patiently for the day to come...

May 13,2009

Finally the day have come, and it was a good day for a holiday because everyone just finished their final exam, so I assume everyone was feeling hungry for a holiday...I went to the bus station in Puduraya and arrived at 2.30 p.m...didn't buy the bus ticket yet but planned to make the 3 p.m bus..thank god I managed to made it...then I was surprised to see some of my JPK friends taking the same bus with me..well the more the merrier they say :)..
Wait wait a minute...before i continue...i want to write my blog in my mother tongue language...because you may find me amusing writing in english..yela aku sedar zaman aku sains dan math semua dlm bm..jap ekh..loading 95%...97.6% ekh cam HOT F.M lak..lebih hangat drp biasa...100% Siap..yey dah leh cakap bm..ok ( pang ok tu bm la pulak) jadi pergembaraan di jadualkan untuk bermula pada pukul 9.30 malam...seramai 36 pelajar dan 2 favourite lec kita telah terpilih...kesian kepada2 kwn2 kita yg tak dpt dtg kerana masalah2 yg tertentu...diorg sediakan dua bas utk kita coz ingat ada dkt2 50 org yg g..tapi takpe..that means ada byk ruang tuk tido nanti ahaha...jadi aku pon memilih utk naik bas pjg ngan geng2 sektor a aku...n adam n the geng g naik bas pendek..vroom2 geng bas uitm pon memulalakn perjalanan...kitaorg semua diberi elaun tuk g holiday ni..pergh bpk best..nak g holiday pon dpt elaun drp yg aku nak g holiday selalu ni haha..duduk umah pon x dpt elaun

Dalam bas baru ingat nak tido coz penat on9 dan bukak internet 24 jam tanpa henti cam 7-11..tapi naik2 je bas..semua kecoh2 main game semua dan byk lagi so disbbkan xleh tido jadi joinla sekali...
Mereka bermain game SAKAI dan sakai tu apa?tah aku pon baru tahu main game ni ngan mereka..tapi bestla..dan tepukan gemuruh tuk izzati sbg champion gelaran SAKAI kita ahaha
Mereka semua bercerita hantu yg wujud di uitm menonton cite seekers cara diorg bercerita..sakit buntut aku berdiri lama2 dkt ngan efa tuk dgr dia ckp apa..
p/s: Setelah kejadian ini,aku dah semakin takut tuk balik uitm

Akhirnya setelah berjam-jam menghbskan masa bercerita hantu dan main game sebagainya..mereka semua decide nak tido..tapi disbbkan aku susah nak tido jadi aku pon sajalah round2 satu bas tuk tangkap gambar mereka semua tido tuk simpan sbg kenangan dan tuk korang semua tgk hahaha

Tiba-tiba satu kejadian tak diduga terjadi..bas kecik dinaiki adam semua org kat bas kecik kena disumbatkan ke bas kitaorg..nasib baik muat kalau tak mesti sbb berat bdn korang berat nak mampos sampai bas tu pon jadi nazak(kata org..aku pon sama je)..

Akhirnya pd khamis pg kita semua telah sampai ke destinasi pertama kita iaitu pulau pangkor perak yeahaooo..disbbkan semua org lapar jadi kitaorg decide g makan dulu..haha tergelak aku tgk mamak kat restoran tu terkejut beruk coz restoran dia yg kosong tu tiba2 dipenuhi oleh kita semua...

Lepas makan kita semua g ke jeti tuk ke Pulau Pangkor

Sampai2 je kat pangkor..ada van tunggu kitaorg semua dan menghantar kita semua ke resort...semuanya free ye..yey aku dpt bilik ngan adam dan redha...kesian adam..semua org masuk blik dan mula rehat tapi dia kena keluar g buat kerja merancang semua..aku sgt respect kat dia... kemudian adam masuk blik dan ckp cepat bersiap..nak g snorkelling..yahooo semua org cepat2 siap...kitaorg diberitahu yg skrang x ramai org sbb bukan musim cuti skola..happy semua org..patutla kat ferri tadi kita2 je ada...dan kat tempat snorkelling kita org yg conquer...

Habis kena sunburn..tak gunanya loreal sunblock..membazir duit je beli..tapi tak berkesan..tapi takpe janji bahagia hehe...

Semua lepas snorkelling dibawa bot keliling satu pulau pangkor then kita bermain2 dkt tepi pantai...
Pang... semua org yg naik banana boat jatuh
Lepas tu semua org kecuali aku g jalan2 pusing satu pangkor coz akunya kaki injured mungkin sbb dah lama tak keluar umah..sampai pangkor habis krem..haih jeles ngan semua...malam tu efa belanja semua makan yg aku sayang kau lebih ni...malangnya aku dah makan sebelum g makan seafood tu time semua g round2 jadi aku kenyang...
Sadly everyone have to leave pangkor the next morning and we went to cameron highland pulak...our first stop was the green view garden..habislah semua org mulalah dgn tabiat buruk "shopping" mereka haha

Then we went to Taman Ros
After that to Tea Garden

The next day we went to Sungkai tuk mandi kolam air panas dan air mata gunung..pergh kolam air panas dia panas weyh...diorg ckp ada satu tempat kat situ airnya panas sgt sampai leh rebus telur..nasib baik telur2 laki kitaorg tak kena rebus time mandi wahahha..kita juga ada sesi menukar hadiah di mana semua kena bg hadiah kpd nama org yg dia dpt semasa cabutan nama di buat...

There were many more fun activities that we done together that i did not wrote in this blog because i feel that i already put so many pictures in just one entry haha...then the sad part came...we all had to go home that night...the bus driver kindly drop me, lia, kak sabitah and kak athira at perhentian sg. buloh...i was the first to got out from the bus..when lia came down..i saw the tears in her eyes but she quickly wipe it when she saw me seeing her like that..then suddenly a strange thing mind flew away for a while , i feel like my mind was at another place eventhough my body is still there at the perhentian sg buloh...then a flashback happen...all the memories of me with my jpk team for 1 whole year together...the tears, the smiles, the warm hug, the troubles and the critics that we had together...dah byk jalan pedih yg telah kita lalui bersama2, semua pernah kena maki, kena kutuk dan juga kadang2 kena terpinggir..but for me..all that matters that we face it together...i feel like we were more like a family than just friends...suddenly my mind was back in my body...then i could feel something in my eyes...then i realize that tears was coming from my eyes...after that i could see all my jpk coming down from the bus..all of them wish us goodbye and the redha my senior part 6 hug me 4 the last time...i wish that night would never happen because for the first time my heart was feeling incomplete, feeling that i have lost something very valueable to all my part 6 jpk..i wish u all the best of luck and lots of love for your bright future that awaits you..and i always pray 4 your safety... The team that i always love and stay in my mind 4ever

The last picture of all of us before going our separate ways
Adam the Ketua Projet..tq so much Adam for everything...i will always remember u