OMG Class is going to start next week!
Come on Shazwan...Go slap yourself if u are still feel like u have plenty of time left to enjoy..
Get ur "nerd" and want to "learn" face expression ready..
It's time to turn all ur fav chatting website like facebook & myspace OFF!!
And start turning on your thinking brain that you haven't been used for a long long time...
Owh this semester class cheaduale is boring compare to last semester..coz last semester have no Monday class
That means i don't have to busy "gosoking" my formal kemeja n ikat tie and so on..
But i think this semester is maybe more fun because many of my classmate are still on the same class...
well i can't wait to do some assignment and spending hours on my desk reading MGT books woohooo (crazy talk)
first thing balik this sunday ni kena bersiap sedia ngan penyapu dan kain buruk tuk mengemas bilik yg rasanya debu2 tebal lebih 3 inchi ..lap tingkap and so on..
and the next day go to class..woohooo..mintak2 sem ni semua lec2 baik baik gler nak mampos dan pandai ajar..
because i don't have any jawatan i nak pegang dah so i'm feeling this sem is going to be a little bit byk masa lapang skit haha n maybe always balik umah on weekend haha..
owh uitm segamat yang mempunyai pemandangan yg indah, alam flora dan fauna serta dikelilingi kubur2 cina dan kubur2 yg sewaktu I come haha
Istighasah, boleh ke tak?
2 weeks ago
4 comments.: (+add yours?)
cptnya update psal jadual klass..
aten pown akn update tp bkn skrg..
myb 2 ari sblom blik..
jadual dh wat..
tapii mls nk tnjk..
kang korg jeles...
wei korg nya klass ari2 kol 8am..
gler laa..
katalah jadual cik ateen lagi best dan heaven dari jadual ni haha..biasala..kena bgn awalla setiap hari kalau camni
hahaha gile semangat,
taw la study kat segamat,
so pasni xde la bgn lambat,
pegi kelas mesti lah tepat,
mesti pointer kau empat!
hahaha dah mcm pantun la plak...
ape2 pun good luck!
cmne jadual aten..
beshh kn??
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