Mama saya selalu bagi tazkirah sejak dulu dulu sampaila sekarang...mesti adanyalah..salah satu tajuk tazkirah dia kpd saya ialah pasal kena belajar betul2 semua...nanti boleh dpt scholarship g belajar kat luar negara semua..setiap hari cam telinga ni cam dah nak tercabut dgr ahaha...kalau bukan pasal belajar overseas mesti mama akan tanya bler abg nak kahwin..ahaha..takpe2..saya tahu ini semua utk kebaikan ..saya tau papa mama semua semangat nak suruh saya pergi overseas sbb mereka mmg belajar kat sana sama..kahwin sama2 kat sana..serta mengandungkan saya sama2...tapi saya bukanlah pandai cam sesetgh org2 yg pandai gler babilah tu...ahaha dan owh mama..ritu saya terbaca article ni ..JPA nak tarik scholarship g overseas mulai tahun dpn...nampaknya mama dah kena kurang tazkirahla pasal belajar btol2 tuk dpt scholarship ni :P
PSD to end sponsorship of undergrad studies abroad
KUALA LUMPUR: The 1,500 scholarships offered by the Public Service Department (PSD) for undergraduate studies overseas will be phased out from next year.
However, those who have secured entry for undergraduate studies at top foreign universities such as Oxford and Cambridge may still apply for such scholarships.
Scholarships for postgraduate studies will also be available.
Scholarships for postgraduate studies will also be available.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz said the move was aimed at increasing the number of scholarships for those studying at local universities and to address complaints that there were not enough scholarships for outstanding Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) students.
These scholarships are awarded on merit and take into account the student’s background.
Nazri said this would not affect the Perdana Scholarship—the 300 scholarships awarded by the PSD entirely on merit, regardless of race.
Nazri said this would not affect the Perdana Scholarship—the 300 scholarships awarded by the PSD entirely on merit, regardless of race.
This is the second year of the Perdana Scholarship, which is solely for students doing a master’s degree or doctoral programme in all fields with emphasis on science
and technology,at world-renowned universities.
Nazri, who is also the minister in charge of PSD scholarships, said that there would always be complaints that the government was not providing enough scholarships.
“There are just too many outstanding students. Even with the new grading system, where grades are divided into three classifications, for example, A-, A and A+, there are still many students who are able to get with outstanding results.
“It’s impossible to increase the number of scholarships because we don’t have enough money for that when we also need money to focus on other areas,” he said told the New Straits Times yesterday.
The 1,500 overseas scholarships given out under the PSD’s Program Ijazah Luar Negara (PILN) overseas programme are awarded according to a race quota with 56 per cent going to Bumiputera students and 44 per cent to non-Bumiputeras.
This year, more than 15,000 students applied for the scholarships.
Nazri also refuted a claim by Federation of Malaysian Indian Organisations president A Rajaretinam that 80 per cent of the scholarships were awarded to Bumiputeras, calling it a “blatant lie”.
“It’s impossible to increase the number of scholarships because we don’t have enough money for that when we also need money to focus on other areas,” he said told the New Straits Times yesterday.
The 1,500 overseas scholarships given out under the PSD’s Program Ijazah Luar Negara (PILN) overseas programme are awarded according to a race quota with 56 per cent going to Bumiputera students and 44 per cent to non-Bumiputeras.
This year, more than 15,000 students applied for the scholarships.
Nazri also refuted a claim by Federation of Malaysian Indian Organisations president A Rajaretinam that 80 per cent of the scholarships were awarded to Bumiputeras, calling it a “blatant lie”.
4 comments.: (+add yours?)
nk tnya..
rase2 degree ni better mntk scholarship or pt semula..
or ade scholarship yg bob bole cdg kn kat aten..
wiso plk.
nnt pe2 bls kat blog aten k..
Agakla kan. Berdesing telinga. Takpe nanti da tua kang, kita pulak akan rindu tazkirah2 ni. Haha
ateen - hmm mengikut pandangan bob la..kalau mintak scholarship kena tgk pro & con dia...cth kalau JPA cam kena ikat contrak kerja ngan diakan pas grad cam pada pandangan bob ateen cam terperangkapla kena kerja ngan diorg dulu..tapi bgsnya sbb senangla confirm dpt kerja...cuba ateen tgk kat sini gler schorlarship yg ada...
bg ptptn x ada masalah gak bg bob coz bayar cuma skrang interest 1% je kan..and kalau bob pandai cam ateen DL everysem..benda tu automatic jadi schorlarshipkan ehehe
sifu - tula..ala aku rasa nanti kitalak lecture anak2 kita camni muahahhaa
now aten mcm pk nk amek pt jer..
tgk laa nnt cmne..
thanks bob 4 the information..
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