Pada zaman sekarang sering kali kita membuat silap , kadang - kadang hampir selalu membuat silap sini sana. Takpe, semua ini jelas membuktikan satu benda sahaja, yang kita ini hanyalah manusia biasa, manusia is only human, human is'nt a perfect thing, nobody is perfect, being perfect to me is not being human, we tend to make mistakes in life. Some are little, some are big, whatever the mistake might be, that's a good thing, because we tend to learn from them, and that's what makes us stronger and stronger each time, we aren't made to be perfect things, that why God gave us family and friends, so that they could guide us, to support us, to give us strenght , to complete us, to believe in us when we ourselves don't, and with all the mistakes that we have learned that makes us stronger and stronger plus with the support of our friends. maybe..just maybe..that is the thing that makes a true human PERFECT :)
Terpaling Green Day?
3 days ago
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