
What really makes a person really strong in life?
So strong that they could endure every obstacle thrown at them..
Even when life hit them so hard that they got knock down and fall really hard..they could get back up..
Sometimes it's not easy to get back up when life hits you hard..
Eventhough you may seem having a lot of people encouraging you to get back up..cheering you up with their strong voices and support...
But those voices from time to time may be just too far to reach you if you keep falling back down...
Is it the strong determination that makes a person strong in life?
If yes..
Where does that determination comes from?
What makes it so strong that it could makes someone so strong in life?
I believe that the true source of someone who is strong comes from..
When you have someone important to protect or fight for in life...

2 comments.: (+add yours?)

Point Man said...

I guess its true... but I want to add up something... Its not just about having someone to protect or fight for...
Having something that you still have to achieve.. That also drives you...
Trust me... I've been at this point in life before... Its really tough getting back up... Its a slow process too... Hey, I lost my dad during my last semester of diploma... It doesn't come any harder than that...
But thankfully, I managed to slowly get back up, although its really tough... And I mean, really tough...
Search yourself.. Know that you're here for a purpose... Know that there are still some things in life that you haven't achieve... And of course.. Like you said... When you have someone or something important to fight for...


wanwan said...

thank you for your opinion point man..very appreciate it :)