Summary what happen 2010 in Malaysia



When you already feel that your the best ..
When you already think that your the smartest..
When you already feel like that there is no more goals to achieve..
Always remember, that there's always someone better than you out there..
To keep pushing you to be better and better..
From time to time until the end..
Happy New Year..May you will always be better and shine brighter than ever before..


While looking ahead isn't a bad thing, but do remember to check below and mind your step as you move ahead..


Never mess with a person who have nothing left to lose


When we think's true that


It may seem like a stupid dream for some..
But to me, It is the most important thing in the world..
I want to look good in front of the women I love..
So that I show how much I appreciate her..
So that she is proud of who I am and not a shame to acknowledge me as her lover..
So that I can trully show her what she deserve..


I'm just a stupid guy who does't know how to do anything except loving you

Steps to Pursuit of Happiness


1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
4. Live with the 3 E’s - Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy
5. Play more games.
6. Read more books than you did in 2009.
7. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
8. Sleep for 7 hours.
9. Take a 10-30 minutes walk daily. And while you walk, smile.

10. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
11. Don’t have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
12. Don’t over do. Keep your limits.
13. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
14. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip.
15. Dream more while you are awake.
16. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
17. Forget issues of the past. Don’t remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
18. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don’t hate others.
19. Make peace with your past so it won’t spoil the present.
20. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
21. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
22. Smile and laugh more.
23. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

24. Call your family often.
25. Each day give something good to others.
26. Forgive everyone for everything.
27. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
28. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.

31. Do the right thing!
32. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.
33. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
34. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
35. The best is yet to come.
36. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.



The queen of my heart


This post is specially dedicated to the only queen of my heart, in this life, and the next..which is my mother.. A very warm full of love Happy Birthday I wish to you...

You taught me everything
And everything you’ve given me
I always keep it inside
You’re the driving force in my life, yeah
There isn’t anything
Or anyone I can be
And it just wouldn’t feel right
If I didn’t have you by my side

You were there for me to love and care for me
When skies were grey
Whenever I was down
You were always there to comfort me
And no one else can be what you have been to me
You’ll always be you always will be the girl
In my life for all times

Mama, mama you know I love you
Oh you know I love you
Mama, mama you’re the queen of my heart
Your love is like
Tears from the stars
Mama, I just want you to know
Lovin’ you is like food to my soul

You’re always down for me
Have always been around for me even when I was bad
You showed me right from my wrong
Yes you did

And you took up for me
When everyone was downin’ me
You always did understand
You gave me strength to go on

There was so many times
Looking back when I was so afraid
And then you come to me
And say to me I can face anything
And no one else can do
What you have done for me
You’ll always be
You will always be the girl in my life


The end of a chapter in my life


I just finished one of the many chapters in my life..It was an exciting chapter , there are times in this chapter where it was full of suspense, chaos, tiredness, fighting and sadness..but there is also a glimpse of laughter, happy and joy in the end that made it all worthwhile :)



What really makes a person really strong in life?
So strong that they could endure every obstacle thrown at them..
Even when life hit them so hard that they got knock down and fall really hard..they could get back up..
Sometimes it's not easy to get back up when life hits you hard..
Eventhough you may seem having a lot of people encouraging you to get back up..cheering you up with their strong voices and support...
But those voices from time to time may be just too far to reach you if you keep falling back down...
Is it the strong determination that makes a person strong in life?
If yes..
Where does that determination comes from?
What makes it so strong that it could makes someone so strong in life?
I believe that the true source of someone who is strong comes from..
When you have someone important to protect or fight for in life...

Hitler response to "Remaja Cium mulut depan Pavilion" ahaha





Aww It never gets old :)




Sometimes I just wish I had superpowers and know how to fly..That way I can fly up high in the air..far far away from my problems, the people that hate me, and all the sad things that I wish to forget....

Life is getting very very busy


Life in degree getting very very busy..all the test, presentation , tutorial , quizzes,..rasa cam malas nak g kelas dah..but they make it worthwhile

p/s : teringat kat b2gather tiba2 time diploma dulu ;)

Melaka Part 2


Alhamdulillah semuanya dah mula settle dan it's getting funner staying here sbb dah mula dah tak culture shock dah..tapi sgt sgt busy dekat sini sampai nak on9 pon tak ada masa ahaha..dengan assignmentnya, test dah mula nak start, exhibitionnya, camping trip lagi..huh penat2...kurang tido..tapi kinda fun busy ni :D



Pergh habis blog berhabuk ..sorry sgt sgt busy degree ni (ceyh camla kalau aku update ada org baca) ahaha...wah wah tempat Melaka sgt best kecuali satu jela....panas weyh..panas wa cakap sama lu...sbb dia x ada awan kat sini..jadi sinaran UV terus menerus menghitamkan kulit aku ni..cis...dan kekurangan kawanla sbb biasala tempat baru..assignmentlak belambak..tapi harap2 semua nya akan ok dalam masa terdekat ni :)

New Chapter


Wah wah tak sangka, dlm beberapa hari sahaja, perjalanan baru dlm hidup saya bakal bermula..

Masih terkenang lagi memori2 semasa diploma dulu, masih segar di ingatan..segala suka duka yg dilalui semasa diploma..akan ku ingat semuanya hingga ke akhir hayatku..

Entah apala yg bakal ku tempuh di jalan degree ku pula selepas ini..adakah ia akan membawa lebih byk memori memori indah semasa di diploma? ataupon lebih byk pengalaman pahit? 

Apa-apa pon saya percaya bhw semua yg berlaku tidak kira manis ataupon pahit..ia akan mengajar kita menjadi lebih kuat dan kuat lagi sbg bekalan utk kita menempuhi kehidupan yg pastinya akan lebih mencabar di hari dewasa nanti :)

Ada ke manusia yg "Perfect"?


Pada zaman sekarang sering kali kita membuat silap , kadang - kadang hampir selalu membuat silap sini sana. Takpe, semua ini jelas membuktikan satu benda sahaja, yang kita ini hanyalah manusia biasa, manusia is only human, human is'nt a perfect thing, nobody is perfect, being perfect to me is not being human, we tend to make mistakes in life. Some are little, some are big, whatever the mistake might be, that's a good thing, because we tend to learn from them, and that's what makes us stronger and stronger each time, we aren't made to be perfect things, that why God gave us family and friends, so that they could guide us, to support us, to give us strenght , to complete us, to believe in us when we ourselves don't, and with all the mistakes that we have learned that makes us stronger and stronger plus with the support of our friends. maybe..just maybe..that is the thing that makes a true human PERFECT :)

Selasa 22.06.2010


Pada hari Selasa 22/06/2010 beberapa aktiviti secara spontan tanpa plan apa2 pon telah di lakukan..Sungun telah call saya pd pukul 11 pagi dan mengajak lepak, maka saya pon bgnlah dari tido dan bergegas bersiap utk keluar bersama dia dan abg kacak bergaya Hafiz ahaha, disbbkan tgh pagi2 lagi (padahal dah nak tgh hari) adalah elok kita mulakan hari dengan senaman..bdn cergas otak cerdas ahaha ..Jadi aktiviti bermain golf di pilih sbg aktiviti senaman pd hari ni..best2 :)disbbkan dah penat bersenam dan hari mula panas..apalagi g la minum cendol utk mengaktifkan balik bdn yg letih ni..( p/s:lepas bersenam pergi minum cendol..mmg membazir jela bersenam ahaha) jadi selepas minum cendol dan dah mula ngantuk sbb biasala time cuti2..petang2 ni best tido ahaha..jadi tuk ilangkan ngantuk..g la karaoke..pergh hafiz ngan sungun nyayi mmg terbaik..ahaha keep in touch guys..rindu korang..Selamat Berjaya di Shah Alam nanti

Summary Activities This Week


Monday - Can't remember but I think I slept the whole day ;p

Tuesday - Celebrated My Brothers birthday

Wednesday - Went to KL Live with Azri to watch 8tv Showdown 2010..kinda sad Soul Krazy is eliminated ;( I prefer BSB being eliminated

Thursday - Rest rest jadi anak mithali kat rumah :D

Friday - Went to Ampang Point and bowling at Flamingo with Azri, Adam , Aiman & Shahir..3 game weyh..patah tgn aku..antar Adam balik..ambik Afik..then drive pusing satu KL..dinner at NZ Garden dpn football..round2 Damai & balik pengsan

Saturday - Bgn2 pagi hp dan berbunyi keputusan degree dah keluar..check2 dpt Melaka..hampa..tapi then dgr cite ramai dpt Melaka so cam okla..Then bawak adik2 perempuan pergi tgk Toy Story 3d...The best PIXAR movie ever made :D .. x rugi tgk...awesome..then antar diorg balik..mandi2 then keluar again..hish..g dinner ngan kawan2 skola..best2 gossip2 je kerja ahaha...then perempuan2 kena laki2 pusing satu KL tgh malam..sini sana sini sana ,dah sana situ pulak...balik kaki rasa nak patah..

Sunday - Rancang apa perlu buat for the Next 2 weeks before masuk Melaka balik...Azri dah book aku setiap hari dah tuk keluar..hahahaha habislah duit aku camni



Even if you are battered..
You can still catch your dream..
With hands trembling
With rising courage ..
Believe in one's dream..
And Someday..
It will come true

Tazkirah Mama


Mama saya selalu bagi tazkirah sejak dulu dulu sampaila sekarang...mesti adanyalah..salah satu tajuk tazkirah dia kpd saya ialah pasal kena belajar betul2 semua...nanti boleh dpt scholarship g belajar kat luar negara semua..setiap hari cam telinga ni cam dah nak tercabut dgr ahaha...kalau bukan pasal belajar overseas mesti mama akan tanya bler abg nak kahwin..ahaha..takpe2..saya tahu ini semua utk kebaikan ..saya tau papa mama semua semangat nak suruh saya pergi overseas sbb mereka mmg belajar kat sana sama..kahwin sama2 kat sana..serta mengandungkan  saya sama2...tapi saya bukanlah pandai cam sesetgh org2 yg pandai gler babilah tu...ahaha dan owh mama..ritu saya terbaca article ni ..JPA nak tarik scholarship g overseas mulai tahun dpn...nampaknya mama dah kena kurang tazkirahla pasal belajar btol2 tuk dpt scholarship ni :P

PSD to end sponsorship of undergrad studies abroad

KUALA LUMPUR: The 1,500 scholarships offered by the Public Service Department (PSD) for undergraduate studies overseas will be phased out from next year.
However, those who have secured entry for undergraduate studies at top foreign universities such as Oxford and Cambridge may still apply for such scholarships.

Scholarships for postgraduate studies will also be available.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz said the move was aimed at increasing the number of scholarships for those studying at local universities and to address complaints that there were not enough scholarships for outstanding Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) students.
These scholarships are awarded on merit and take into account the student’s background.

Nazri said this would not affect the Perdana Scholarship—the 300 scholarships awarded by the PSD entirely on merit, regardless of race.

This is the second year of the Perdana Scholarship, which is solely for students doing a master’s degree or doctoral programme in all fields with emphasis on science
and technology,at world-renowned universities.

Nazri, who is also the minister in charge of PSD scholarships, said that there would always be complaints that the government was not providing enough scholarships.

“There are just too many outstanding students. Even with the new grading system, where grades are divided into three classifications, for example, A-, A and A+, there are still many students who are able to get with outstanding results.

“It’s impossible to increase the number of scholarships because we don’t have enough money for that when we also need money to focus on other areas,” he said told the New Straits Times yesterday.

The 1,500 overseas scholarships given out under the PSD’s Program Ijazah Luar Negara (PILN) overseas programme are awarded according to a race quota with 56 per cent going to Bumiputera students and 44 per cent to non-Bumiputeras.

This year, more than 15,000 students applied for the scholarships.

Nazri also refuted a claim by Federation of Malaysian Indian Organisations president A Rajaretinam that 80 per cent of the scholarships were awarded to Bumiputeras, calling it a “blatant lie”.

Situasi 1


Lokasi : Terminal Putra LRT
Masa : Tengah hari 

Pada suatu hari yang indah di dlm LRT PUTRA...ternampak seorg pemuda sedang berdiri di tepi pintu LRT (akulah tu)..tiba2 bunyi kedengaran cam ada announcement...*teng3* Next Stesen Jelatek.. Stesen berikutnya Jelatek..*teng3* Beberapa minit kemudian, pintu LRT terbukak , masuklah sekumpulan perempuan berpakaian ala2 konon fesyen terbaru ikut trend dan kemudiannya duduk di kerusi2 kosong dan ada sesetgh daripada mereka berdiri...Percakapan antara diorg bermula

Girl A : Ekh, u guys nak tahu? (aku ckp dlm hati..x nak)...Yesterday I gi Mid taw.. and I was like saw this guy taw..hensem siot..his face was like mat salleh..tapi betina dia muka tak lawa gler..dah lah gf dia x pandai dressing..i think she bought her clothes from pasar raya manatah *scene semua perempuan gelak*

Girl B : Hahaha really? I guess people like that don't know how to have style..LIKE US! *scene semua perempuan gelak*

Girl C tetiba menyampuk : Ekh u guys wanna hear something? I broke with my bf last nite.
*scene semua perempuan ckp serentak "REALLY!..Oh My gosh Oh My gosh..what happen..tell us ..tell us.."*

Girl C : Nothing happenlah..i was getting bored with i ditch him..he is not worth my timelah..nak tau..dia pujuk2 i semua..Tapi I was like buat bodo je..

Girl D : Haha yo go girl..u hotla..don't worry..ramai lagi laki2 kaya hensem luar sana waiting for u la!..tunggu u nak pilih je..

*scene semua perempuan gelak*

Semua ckp kuat nak mampos sampai mak cik2 tua berdiri tgk je..

Dalam hati pemuda tu berkata..Ek eleh perempuan2 ni, lu org bajet lu semua hot2 la pakai baju dan berlagak cantik..konon baju2 tu semua mahal2 dan branded2..yeye je..tah2 import made by Bangla manatah tu..konon cool buat bising dlm lrt berlagak cam bapak kaunya lrt org semua jeles lah..dahla mintak popularity murahan , muka cam minah salleh celup kat chow kit je bg aku tapi nak ejek2 gf org lain..nasib baik mat hensem tu x couple ngan kau, kalau tak ,nak je aku ckp baik dia couple ngan mak cik jual sayur kang kong tepi jalan..lagi baik...bernanah terlinga aku woi..dahla broken english..berterabur..konon ingat coolla speaking2 camtu tapi sebenarnya korang nampak cam fool..daripada korang bising2 baik korang duduk diam dan bg mak cik2 tua tu semua duduk...yg tempat duduk tu tuk org2 tua ke mengandung ke sakit ke...nak je aku sound..yg korang duduk ni dan bg mak cik2 ni berdiri kenapa..nak kata korang tua tak gak...korang terencat akal ekh? sorry x perasan..sambunglah duduk k..

Tetiba2 blom sempat buat apa2 pon..pintu LRT terbuka..dan pemuda itu keluar..

p/s : budi bahasa budaya kita



Degree in International Business senang..IB senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB Senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB Senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB Senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB Senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB Senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB senang IB Senang x1000... 

mesti korang pelikkan dan rasa aku dah gler..well tak adala..aku saja tgh tenangkan diri aku sbb selepas grad ritu aku mula tanyala tentang degree yg bakal aku teruskan nanti kat senior2 semua terutamanya senior IB tentang cam mana life budak degree lak..tersentak aku ramai senior kata IB plg susah..selepas kena ceramah kaw2 semua kata IB tuk budak2 yg btol2 "ulat buku" je atau org kata "nerd"..mmg bukan ciri2 akulah! *terbayang nak pakai spec mata besar2,tukar hairstyle ke sikat rambut tepi dan pakai baju kemeja tuck in* kelakar gler aku kalau camtu..kalau ada sapa2 yg tertanya apsal org kata IB ni susah...well..utk pengetahuan semua..budak2 course IB x ada langsung yg dpt ANC...woohooo..bukan sbb budak2 IB x pandai..tapi adalah kerana kitanya matapelajaran semua terlebih maksimum kredit hour so semua wajib kena ambik intersesi..kalau tak x grad on time (bapaklah maknanya satu sem berapa byk subjek aku weyh sampai terlebih maksimum credit hour ni) ahaha...n adala kawan aku yg tgk album grad pelajar UiTM..tgkla semua course2 yg in Fin,HR,MKT semua ramai ada ANC dan grad ngan DL...tapi...tapi bler sampai ke faculti IB..yg ANC langsung x ada..dan yg grad dengan cgpa DL cuma 5 org je!..perghh..physo2 btol..habis moral down..dahla daripada 4 pilihan degree yg dia suruh isi..pilihan pertama dan kedua aku confident yeye je letak IB! ahaha..kan dah mula menyesal...takpe2 disbbkan aku nak kerja syarikat2 firm besar..ramai kata mmg sesuai ambik IB..coz market dia tinggi..aku akan berusaha kuat gler2 (yeye je) dan skrang kena mental set benda ni senang ..IB senang woohoo (tapi dlm hati cuak gler :P )

Summary Activities this week


Monday - Shopping barang2 keperluan di Carrefour

Tuesday - Tido Makan On9 Tido Makan On9 Merepek

Wednesday - Pergi 8tv Showdown 2010 dengan azri

Thursday - Dinner with azri & afik at Cozy Conner and round2 Damai  Area

Friday - Bowling di Flamingo with azri,afik,aiman & adam (aiman wins)then pergi GE Mall jumpa CEO Fazly dan makan2

Saturday - Kakak tiqa's wedding dkt Subang Jaya..

Sunday - Plan nak tido makan tido makan.

p/s : Sorry post ni x interesting langsung..saja nak buat reminder buat apa minggu ni..ekh cam ada org bacalak blog ni nak sorry2 ahaha

This weeknya best :)


Owh baru balik dari 8tv Showdown 2010..this weeknya theme "Street Flava" terbaik !
Everyone perform ..pergh mantap..aku terpegun tgk semua dance cam hebat nak mampos (jgn harapla aku dpt buat cam diorg)..owh owh byknya fav team aku..but my top 4 of coursela

p/s : Wakaka minggu ni pon mantap..Next weeknya dance theme ialah "Martial Arts" pelik but tgkla cam mana nanti..All the best guys :)

Millatfacebook vs Facebook


Profesional IT Pakistan cipta web lawan kempen hina nabi, Islam

ISLAMABAD: Sekumpulan warga Pakistan mencipta laman web baru untuk menghubungkan 1.6 bilion Muslim selepas berang dengan laman Facebook kerana menyiarkan karikatur Nabi Muhammad selain mewujudkan saluran baru melawan propaganda anti-Islam.

Kumpulan itu membabitkan enam profesional teknologi maklumat (IT) di pusat budaya dan hiburan Pakistan, Lahore, yang melancarkan laman web, awal minggu ini.

Ia dilancarkan selepas mahkamah Pakistan mengarahkan sekatan ke atas Facebook sehingga Isnin ini atas bantahan terhadap satu laman Everyone Draw Mohammed Day (Hari Lakar Muhammad) yang menghina Islam. 

“Millatfacebook dicipta bagi memenuhi keperluan sosial penduduk Pakistan. Laman untuk Muslim termasuk orang lain yang baik daripada agama lain turut dialu-alukan,” kata laman web itu kepada yang berminat menjadi ahli.

“Kami mahu beritahu ahli Facebook bahawa mereka akan terima padah jika mengganggu kami,” kata Ketua Pegawai Operasi syarikat yang menempatkan laman itu, Usman Zaheer, 24.

“Jika ada orang menghina nabi, kami akan jadi lawan mereka dan menyebabkan mereka rugi besar,” katanya yang bermimpi menjadikannya laman sosial terbesar Muslim.

Dikenali dengan singkatan MFB, seperti juga FB bagi Facebook, pengasasnya berkata, pakar IT kini berusaha memasukkan ciri-ciri lain ke dalamnya bagi mencabar pesaing dari California itu.
Setiap ahli memiliki ‘dinding’ untuk ulasan sahabat selain mengandungi kemudahan emel, foto, video, ruang sembang dan perbincangan.

Perkataan ‘Millat’ adalah bahasa Urdu yang biasa digunakan untuk merujuk kepada negara. Laman web itu sudah mempunyai 4,300 ahli selepas tiga hari dilancarkan, kebanyakannya warga Pakistan yang boleh berbahasa Inggeris dalam lingkungan usia 20-an.

Angka itu jauh lebih kecil daripada keahlian Facebook di Pakistan buat masa ini sebanyak 2.5 juta dan ulasan awal menunjukkan MFB memerlukan lebih banyak masa untuk benar-benar menyaingi FB.

Bagaimanapun, Usman gembira dengan hasil awal laman web itu yang sudah menarik penyertaan warga Britain, Bulgaria, Kanada, China, Russia, Emiriyah Arab Bersatu dan Amerika Syarikat. – AFP

p/s : I'm showing my support for these people for taking action :D

Can there really be peace in this world?


Hmm this thought just came to me,
Why is it people in this world cannot live in peace & harmony with one another?
Is there no ending to war , mass killing , rapping , and other harms that threaten peace in this world?
Some say because justice does'nt exist anymore..
What should we do to bring justice to the people that have been killed in the Islamic country like Iraq,Palestin and many others?
Should we just bomb Israel and the US and erase them from this world?
If yes, then revenge is justice for you
But if revenge is called justice..
Then that justice will breeds yet more revenge...
And become a chain of hatred
Would peace come after that happen?
Do we as human beings can never understand each other?
Is this world ruled by hatred then?
How would you face this hatred in order to build peace?
Some also say because love exist..
Because love breeds sacrifice..
Which breeds hatred...
I want to do something about it,
But I don't know what to do
But I believe that someday,
The day will come when people TRULY understand one another

Everybody draw Muhammad Day?


If you attack Black people ,they call it racism.If you attack Jewish people, they call it anti-Semitic. If you attack women, they call it sexism. When you talk about homosexuality, they call it intolerance. But when THEY...attack our Prophet Mohammed, they call it freedom of speech! -.-

Bangun Semua, Selamat Pagi Cikgu


Owh today is 16th of May,  
                      HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY :D

Kalau nak senaraikan semua cikgu dari tadika,ke skola rendah ke skola menengah sampailah ke universiti (ngan cikgu2 tuisyen2 semua lagi) ..mmg x dpt lah kan (padahal x ingat semua) ehehe...tapi nak ucapkan thanks for everything ;) Owh dulu boleh di katakan nakal gak..terutamanya kesian pd cikgu2 sejarah or subjek2 yg aku rasa bosan...cikgu masuk pintu depan..aku keluar pintu belakang...cikgu ckp kat dpn..aku makan nasi lemak dan ckp2 kat belakang...cikgu bg homework...x nah nak siap (kadang2 kalau dpt cikgu garang, tiru homework kawan sblm cikgu tu masuk kelas nak check ahaha :P)...owh lecturer2 kat U pon x ketinggalan..kebanyakkan semuanya sporting dan bgs2...saya nak ucapkan "Selamat Hari Guru" pd kesemuannya :)



I realized recently that
Everyone is given life for a reason..
Everyone has something important to accomplish..
The quest to discover what that is..
depends on U

Almost Finish


Dah berhabuk gler blog ni..dah lama gler tak update..
Owh pejam celik pejam celik dah nak grad x caya gler...
lg dua paper je lagi sebelum tinggalkan UiTM Segamat ..nak kata happy ada (^-^)...nak kata sedih..lglah ada sob2 (T-T)..apa2 pon..I just wanna take back on all the bad things I said about UiTM Segamat time first time sbg Part 1 dulu2..because now I of the best memories in my life..all the friendship that I've made..the sorrows that I have endure..all came from this isolated little town..thanks for everything :)

p/s: harap2 last sem ni dpt score ngan kawan2 semua.. :D

Hei Yao Chi Lei!


Wah Wah minggu dpn 3 test berderet, research proposal kena reject, video selling x gerak lagi...rasa feel cam tgh last sem dah mula dirasai...ahaha pressure2 :P

Buah Jantung Hati



Buah Jantung Hati Saya yg baru :)
Nama x tau nak bg apa lagi ahaha...ada cadangan?



 Best Class Trip Ever ;)
I'll remember it forever

About life from my perspective


A successful person life is not measured by how they lived
but rather what they manage to accomplish before their death..

Looking back,
My life has been nothing but failures,

Not scoring good grades everytime,
Unable to save my friend,
And unable to repay my parents deeds by being the smartest or richest son they could ever had...

Compare to other great people that had their name written and crave in history,
my actions are trifling,
insignificant things indeed..

I wish I could have died like some of the great people that live before,
they died a long time ago but remembered throughout time,

A tale is only goods as it final turns of events,
the plot twist,

Failure must be seen as mere amusements,
They are trials , which hone your skills..

I lived believing that..

And in return,
I swore I would accomplish a deed so great,
That it would obliterate all of my failures...

And I died as a successful person